Friday, December 12, 2008

My last England post!

So this is it. I am officially finished with the semester.

And I can't say I'm not happy it's over.

It was a stressful, mostly good stress though.

Things I really enjoyed about UEA:
-the pub quizzes
-the classes
-the professors

Things I won't mind leaving behind:
-3:30 PM darkness
-the party atmosphere
-the 3.50 pound bus fare to and from town
-microwave meals

Overall I enjoyed my semester. I think I am glad I came. I learned a lot about myself and what I can and can't do. Studying abroad is good prep for the real world. It's like a test run because you're not with your parents and you really are on your own. While technology like Skype was a godsend, I really had to be independent. I couldn't just call home when I had a question, like I do when I'm at my home school. I had to think for myself.

All that being said, I want to thank all my loyal readers who have followed my trials and tribulations through England. I'll post periodically throughout my adventures in Europe and continue to post pictures. Since I won't be able to talk to most of you, I wish everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, and I'll see you all on the stateside.



Unknown said...

Glad you had a good semester! I just finished yesterday myself and it is fantastic to be done :) I will anxiously be awaiting pictures. Have a safe and excellent trip, and Happy Hanukkah.

Anonymous said...

trial and tribulations, aside, I know you will look back on this experience and know it was the best ever. I am so envious of you. I know that the next month of traipsing around Europe with your 2 best buds will be even more exciting.
H&K, M&D

ART said...

We hardly knew thee.

mikawendy said...

Hi! I saw your comment on Dr. Jacobs's blog. I'm a former student of hers as well (grew up in Fairfax). I also went to Goucher ('97), studied abroad in Ireland. This was back before I ever had used the internet (first time ever using the internet was in the CDO at Goucher my senior year, if you can believe it).

I hope you had a great time abroad. It is always nice coming home, and then you have the memories. My theory is that when you live in a place and then leave it, part of "home" is that place, so over a lifetime a person can have many homes--pieces of one's heart in many different places. If you want, you can look me up on facebook via my e-mail address--I bet it would be fun to compare notes! Because Goucher (and Baltimore) are small-ish, I bet we probably even know some of the same people.